So I'm taking the big jump! I will be hearing again somewhat... soon.
I had my first evaluation for cochlear implants today... lots of testing. April 7th I'll be going back to get more testing, chose which brand of implant I want to go with and have a CT scan. Then we'll schedule the surgery (outpatient) for sometime at the end of May. Perfect timing since the girls will be getting out of school.
I will be completely deaf (no hearing aid) for 3 weeks. It's only 3 weeks but wow. What a quiet 3 weeks. I hope the kids can deal well with it.
I've been sewing but not as much as I should. The yardwork and spring time have been calling. I look forward to getting some things planted and making the house look all prettiful. I have 3 quilt tops that need quilting and binding... several spring outfits for the girls that need sewing... and one 16 month old boy who needs a daytime playmate! He cries the minute I walk into the sewing room... He just knows mommy won't give her full attention then. Hopefully he'll grow out of it soon, but I've been saying that since he was 6 weeks old so I doubt there's an end in sight.
Off to get the kiddos, cook supper, do homework and clean!