I am sooooo EXCITED!!!!!!
My surgery date has been moved up to May 14th! Of course once all my plans were set I had to throw a loop for everyone... surely it won't be that traumatic, since it's only a week earlier. But a week EARLIER? Yowza!
I'm not to nervous, which is amazing, considering it's well.. surgery. But I'm so excited to do the very things we take for granted on a day to day basis. Talking on the phone is one. Not having to concentrate super hard just to have a conversation is another. Oh and can't forget being able to hear the radio... or understand people talking when they're not looking directly at me. So many many things...
I'm working on my sewing, I've got several things to SNS, along with 4 quilts to machine quilt and bind. I just cut out several pieces for Brett's summer wardrobe that have to be sewn, along with several new diapers. Are you seeing a trend? I can't finish anything for one reason or another! I'm waiting on a new low shank quilting foot from ebay to finish the quilts, I need flannel (or something??) for the diapers, I need spraypaint to finish the double so I can do SNS's on the outfits I've done and I'm still cutting before I'm ready to sew to finish off this batch of clothes for brett.
WHEW. That's how my brain works. Very over complicated eh?